1.Introduction to Cell
Essential Idea:The evolution of multicellular organisms allowed cell specialization and cell replacement

Statement of Inquiry: Understanding the structure and function of cells leads to innovative technological advances in medicine and biotechnology.
Assessment :
Both living and non-living things are composed of molecules made from chemical elements such as Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. The organization of these molecules into cells is one feature that distinguishes living things from all other matter. The cell is the smallest unit of matter that can carry on all the processes of life.
Types of Cells
Prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells are two main types of cells. The main differences between them are in terms of their structure and function.
Prokaryotes are organisms whose cells lack a nucleus
• They belong to the kingdom Monera (i.e. bacteria)
Prokaryotic cells share the following structures:
• A single, circular DNA molecule (genophore)
• A peptidoglycan cell wall and 70S ribosomes
Prokaryotic cells may also contain the following:
• Pili (for attachment or bacterial conjugation)
• Flagella (a long whip-like tail for movement)
• Plasmids (autonomous DNA molecules)
Compare the Cell types
Organelle | Prokayotic | Eukaryotic |
Nucleus | Lack a nucleus | Have a nucleus |
Organelles | Lack membrane-bound organelles | Have membrane-bound organelles |
Chromosomes | Have a single, circular chromosome | Have multiple, linear chromosomes |
Size | Usually smaller | Generally larger |
Cell Type | Typically unicellular | Can be unicellular or multicellular |
Environment | Found in various environments (soil, water) | Can be found in a wide range of environments |
Metabolic | Can perform all necessary functions of life | Have specialized organelles for more complex functions |
Reproduction | Binary fission | Mitosis and meiosis, and can undergo differentiation |
Genetic Transfer | Can exchange genetic material through HGT | Sexual reproduction and genetic recombination |